2009 TCRS #9 Results

Jewell/Tocaloma ~5.2 miles
October 11th, 2009
81 Finishers: 64 men, 17 women

The Jewell/Tocaloma TCRS course has been used somewhat regularly for the past few years, and it served as the site for this year's October run. It is well-balanced between level, uphill, downhill and level again, and between paved bikepath, single-track trail and fire road. Conditions were excellent for running, cool and overcast, virtually no wind, with the only disappointment being an absence of the spectacular vistas which are available on the ridgetop on a clear day. The results will show a plethora of new names in the Top 15, mostly in their 20's, and a stalwart Brad O'Brien masterfully outraced the entire field for one of his occasional but very popular victories. Young Daniela Mehech topped Mimi Willard in the women's field. Hearing that a monitor had not been successfully procured for the crucial turnaround point, Tamalpa President Kenny Grebenstein, in a textbook illustration of responsible leadership, decided to forego his own race to head out early and make sure no one continued on toward the Fairfax-Bolinas Road. Lillie, Heidi, Jay, Anitra, Alice and crew were on top of their usual assignments, and we somewhat suddenly have but one event left for 2009.. - Jim Myers

Place Females Name Div Time Points
1 Daniela Mehech T 38:43 150
2 Mimi Willard 50 39:38 149
3 Christina Lachman 50 41:05 148
4 Erika Erickson 20 41:21 147
5 Lisa Trustin 50 41:32 146
6 Amanda Saket 30 42:40 145
7 Karen Corral 50 44:52 144
8 Janet Bowman 60 47:12 143
9 Marcia Lima 40 47:14 142
10 Hazel Wood 50 47:26 141
11 Amy Sonstein 30 48:26 140
12 Rachel Tracy 40 49:38 139
13 Toral Trivedi 20 54:22 138
14 Dolores Bernal 30 54:35 137
15 Sarah Leipsic 40 55:59 136
16 Ann Hardham 60 56:05 135
17 Elizabeth Tighe 60 64:07 134
Place Males Name Div Time Points
1 Brad O'Brien 40 32:29 150
2 Jared Barrilleaux 20 32:30 149
3 Brandon Basso 20 32:37 148
4 Craig Fellers 20 32:53 147
5 Seth Davis 30 33:14 146
6 Kevin Haas 20 33:37 145
7 Kyle Braam 20 33:40 144
8 John Rutledge 30 34:14 143
9 Jim Grant 40 34:31 142
10 Brad Bryon 50 35:17 141
11 David Leipsic 40 35:56 140
12 Terrence Bennett 20 35:57 139
13 Scott Schneider 40 36:00 138
14 Andrew Willis 20 36:00 137
15 Evan McCollum 20 36:04 136
16 Mike Lotter 50 36:43 135
17 Bill Neer 50 36:56 134
18 Malcolm Fearon 40 37:24 133
19 Christian Oakes 50 37:38 132
20 Patrick Scannell 20 37:44 131
21 Tim McCarthy 40 37:45 130
22 Jerry Edelbrock 60 37:49 129
23 Bruce Benter 40 37:51 128
24 Jakub Plichta 30 38:29 127
25 Brian McCurdy 50 39:25 126
26 Arthur Beckert 50 39:46 125
27 Steve Shapiro 40 40:08 124
28 Kent Carlomagno 50 40:13 123
29 Steve Derr 50 40:20 122
30 Kent Morales 30 40:29 121
31 Art Marthinsen 50 40:51 120
32 Joe Stranzl 40 40:56 119
33 Steve Trutame 40 41:05 118
34 Jim Myers 60 41:12 117
35 Preston Sitterly 60 41:47 116
36 George Dombrovski 50 42:25 115
37 Alan Cherrigan 50 42:41 114
38 George Frazier 60 43:00 113
39 Bob Knox 60 43:02 112
40 Dimitris Sklavopoulos 60 43:02 111
41 Steve Katz 50 43:13 110
42 Russ Kiernan 70 43:15 109
43 Todd Ritola 40 43:47 108
44 Anthony Pristyak 20 44:39 107
45 David McCormack 60 45:13 106
46 Brian Jordan 50 46:05 105
47 Horst Meyer 70 46:43 104
48 Darren Buesen 30 47:17 103
49 Andy Mathieson 50 47:21 102
50 Walter Underhill 60 48:18 101
51 Barry Spitz 60 48:47 100
52 Bob Sos 50 49:35 99
53 Stephen Tracy 40 49:54 98
54 Dave Covey 40 49:54 97
55 Darryl Beardall 70 51:30 96
56 Doug Phythian 40 52:37 95
57 Adolfo Babatz 30 53:33 94
58 Julius Schillinger 60 54:39 93
59 Sidney Leipsic Y 55:52 92
60 Sam Hirabayashi 80 55:54 91
61 Erland Jensen 60 59:45 90
62 Ray Wilkes 70 60:48 89
63 Phil Phythian 70 64:04 88
64 Craig Stern 50 64:05 87

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