2010 TCRS #3 Results

Sorich Park, San Anselmo, Distance ~4 miles
March 14th, 2010
128 Finishers: 39 women, 89 men

TCRS continues to be a special community. Regulars return for a reason, and newcomers sense "there's something about TCRS." The March run at San Anselmo's Sorich Park was a 4-mile out-and-back on a combination of trail, fire road and pavement, with the first half a very gradual climb. There was enough sloppiness to give the course "character", and we were given a very pretty morning that was quite cold in the shaded start area but comfortable up on the ridge. The hills were beautifully green, and Jim Sorensen and Anna Bretan were the champions of the day. A post-race gathering offered refreshments and an awards ceremony recognizing many achievements for 2009, organized and presented by Frank Ruona. A large, attentive audience had opportunity to also acknowledge Frank for the countless things he does for the club, and it was a warm, emotional moment. Bill Neer, Margie Forman and Steve Shapiro had starring roles in bringing the morning's production together, and a significant number of Tamalpans in strong supporting roles pitched in to write yet one more chapter in this special and ongoing TCRS story. - Jim Myers

Name Div Time Points
1 Anna Bretan 25 26:49 150
2 Liz Shortino 45 29:16 149
3 Beth Freedman 41 30:28 148
4 Amanda Saket 31 32:03 147
5 Nancy Clary 46 32:10 146
6 Mimi Willard 56 32:55 145
7 Lisa Trustin 54 33:00 144
8 Diane Prater 47 34:29 143
9 Amy Sonstein 40 34:34 142
10 Karen Corral 50 36:11 141
11 Danielle Herrerias 52 36:18 140
12 Hazel Wood 59 36:26 139
13 Lisa Hilbert 48 36:34 138
14 Isabella Amyx 12 36:54 137
15 Gayle Shimokaji 53 36:58 136
16 Florencia Gascon 45 37:01 135
17 Mary Collie 33 37:14 134
18 Reilly Johnson 8 37:16 133
19 Sunny Blende 59 38:23 132
20 Anne Bolen 49 39:06 131
21 Anabela Diaz 31 40:51 130
22 Bridie Dillon 65 42:12 129
23 Janet Bowman 63 42:35 128
24 Ann Hardham 67 43:32 127
25 Odilia Diaz 35 45:05 126
26 Stephanie Boone 40 45:06 125
27 Kim Dostal 48 45:11 124
28 Shirley Shean 63 45:17 123
29 Nancy Kelly 56 45:31 122
30 Ginny Olson 63 47:28 121
31 Katie Martin 71 47:54 120
32 Rachel Tracy 44 48:50 119
33 Margie Forman 57 51:34 118
34 Lynne Stevens 64 51:58 117
35 Elizabeth Tighe 67 53:38 116
36 JoAnne Kambur 75 54:31 115
37 Susan Garnett 72 54:45 114
38 Eliana Reeves 56 57:48 113
39 Pam Shropshire 55 59:09 112
Name Div Time Points
1 Jim Sorensen 42 25:32 150
2 Chris Ekman 32 25:49 149
3 Tom Lyons 44 26:02 148
4 Patrick Lepelch 47 26:09 147
5 Brad O'Brien 48 26:30 146
6 Tim Wallen 46 26:40 145
7 Tom O'Reilly 53 26:42 144
8 Jason Reed 31 26:46 143
9 Eric Stewart 41 27:00 142
10 Fred Huxham 47 27:23 141
11 Chris Craig 44 27:31 140
12 Scott Schneider 42 27:51 139
13 Mike Lopez 52 27:55 138
14 Bruce Benter 50 28:06 137
15 Freydi Mazariegos 18 28:20 136
16 Brad Bryon 52 28:22 135
17 Kurt Ryan 52 28:32 134
18 Jamie Collie 32 28:36 133
19 Fausto Herrera 42 28:46 132
20 Brian McCurdy 53 28:54 131
21 Ryan Stever 32 29:05 130
22 Steve Shapiro 46 29:08 129
23 Christian Oakes 51 29:09 128
24 Nick Wilton 48 29:12 127
25 Frederick Huxham 13 29:23 126
26 Mitch DeShields 45 29:37 125
27 Sam Lueck 36 29:42 124
28 J.R. Mintz 43 29:45 123
29 Mike Lotter 56 29:47 122
30 Malcolm Fearon 47 30:02 121
31 Tim McCarthy 49 30:06 120
32 Matt Barger 52 30:14 119
33 Jonah Steinhart 35 30:22 118
34 Ed Corral 53 30:24 117
35 Bill Neer 51 30:41 116
36 Steve Derr 54 30:43 115
37 Peter O'Reilly 51 30:46 114
38 Kent Morales 33 30:55 113
39 Michael Sullivan 50 31:04 112
40 Rob Dick 41 31:06 111
41 Joe Stranzl 45 31:14 110
42 Scott Donnellan 52 31:23 109
43 Steve Katz 59 31:27 108
44 Joe Ryan 13 31:32 107
45 Jim Flanigan 60 31:34 106
46 Steve Stephens 66 31:35 105
47 Art Marthinsen 51 31:44 104
48 Jim Morris 60 32:21 103
49 Dave Covey 48 32:22 102
50 Hans Schmid 70 32:25 101
51 Preston Sitterly 62 32:35 100
52 Jim Myers 61 33:02 99
53 Hans Loedolff 39 33:23 98
54 Paul Herrerias 54 33:28 97
55 Kent Carlomagno 53 34:03 96
56 Steve Kambur 52 34:19 95
57 Russ Kiernan 72 34:35 94
58 Bob Knox 63 34:41 93
59 Joaquin Fritz 56 34:44 92
60 Paul Whiteley 45 34:48 91
61 George Frazier 63 34:59 90
62 Tim Amyx 51 35:00 89
63 Jim Bystrek 59 35:03 88
64 David McCormack 65 35:08 87
65 Dimitris Sklavopoulos 65 35:15 86
66 Jorge Gonzalez 42 35:28 85
67 Andy Mathieson 53 36:15 84
68 Brian Jordan 55 36:27 83
69 Horst Meyer 74 37:03 82
70 Walter Underhill 62 37:48 81
71 Barry Spitz 61 38:45 80
72 Kenji Yamamoto 59 40:32 79
73 Herminio Muzariegos 40 40:53 78
74 Mark Miller 58 42:55 77
75 Elmo Shropshire 73 43:04 76
76 Julius Schillinger 63 43:44 75
77 Max Herrerias 11 44:41 74
78 Glenn Hoffman 49 45:07 73
79 Max Dostal 8 45:10 72
80 Sam Hirabayashi 82 45:43 71
81 Erland Jensen 68 48:46 70
82 Ben Tracy 13 48:49 69
83 Jeff Houston 51 50:45 68
84 Craig Stern 55 50:46 67
85 Stephen Tracy 47 51:47 66
86 Leon Sivertson 73 53:21 65
87 Gabriel Renneisen 12 53:37 64
88 Gordon Renneisen 48 53:40 63
89 Jim Kambur 77 59:08 62


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