Saturday Track – Novato High School

Tamalpa Track Work Out at Novato High School.

Track Start Time 8:00 AM. 

All Groups  (usual warm-up & stride-outs)

·         1600 Warm up

·         4 x 100 (100) stride-outs

Various Track distances and paces

Add some speed training to your running. Tamalpa now offers a group run track workout on Saturday mornings at Novato High School. Some of these workouts look pretty hard, so please remember, we have folks from all running levels working out, so each of you can vary the workout so you don’t “kill yourself”.  You can team up with someone, skip intervals and join in on later intervals – whatever works best for you.  There is no “hard” requirement that you have to do everything listed.  The important things are: to not hurt yourself and make the workout rewarding enough that you enjoy coming out and will come back again! – See you there! 


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