Tamalpa Runners' Special Races

Marin County is the Tamalpa Runner's playgound. Incredible natural beauty, challanging hills, hundreds of miles of trails and fire roads and even some great roads and paved-paths make Marin one of primer places in the world to run. There are a group of races that take advantage of these aspects of Marin and become defining races for Tamalpa Runners. Below you will find links to Tamalpa Runners' articles about these races and links to the races' official websites.

Tamalpa Article Race Website First Year
Roger's Superbowl Race http://www.tamalparunners.org/2010superbowlinfo.php 1986
Couple's Relay Entry Form 1979
Marin Memorial Day Races http://marinraces.com/ 1987
The Dipsea www.dipsea.org 1905
The Double Dipsea http://www.doubledipsea.com 1970
Headlands 50K
www.headlands50k.com 1997
The Hill Climb None 1980
Quad Dipsea www.run100s.com/qd.htm 1983

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