Tamalpa Wishes Club President Carolyn Garriott a Fare-thee-Well and Huge Thank you!!

Greetings all Tamalpa members. We hope this month’s newsletter finds you in good spirits, good health and enjoying the (not lazy for Tamalpa) days of summer. The news from Tamalpa’s last board meeting in June is that our club President, Carolyn Garriott, will be resigning at the end of her first year, in September, due to a lifestyle change and a move to the Big Sky state of Montana. We knew this was coming, and are very sad to see Carolyn depart but wish her all the best in her new adventures. We are so grateful for her stewardship of our club, her facilitation of snacks, food, and coffee at TCRS races, and her spirit and enthusiasm for Tamalpa. She will be dearly missed! 

So….that brings us full circle back to your club’s leadership. We are so grateful for our current board members, renewing their commitments to serve, Vice President Ali Kegley, Secretary David Leipsic, Treasurer Brian Cayan, and board members Andy Krone, Carol Presig, Egda Maldonado, Paul and Danielle Herrerias, and Markelle Taylor. We sincerely appreciate everyone’s involvement (Thank you Scott Schneider for delivering the Tamalpa canopy and food) to the Dipsea finish are) and all the volunteers (Jay, Marko, Heidi, Tom, Lillie, Mark, Mary, Liz, Frank, Kathleen, Dave, Ed, et al,) who give to our club on a regular basis.

Now, more than ever we need YOU! Your club is only as strong as our volunteers, and we are in a time when we need to reach deeper into our club’s ranks and ask you to step up – join the board, host a TCRS, special run, or join a committee (social, clothing, race, team captain, communications, special projects, etc.). We want to hear from you. Please e-mail President@tamalparunners.org to learn more about opportunities on how you can give back to your club.

Wishing everyone a fun, safe and healthy summer!

Your Tamalpa Club Board

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