The workout next week will be on Monday Evening, 3/2/20 and will be as detailed below:

6:10 PM               1 to 2 MILE Warm up in area of San Rafael High School Track.

6:30 PM            4 Each 100 Meter Strides with a 100 Meter Jog In between Strides.

A/B/C –Groups:  We will do 5 each 1-1/2 -minute Intervals @ 5K pace, followed by a 1-minute recovery and 4 each 3-minute Intervals @ 5K pace, followed by a 1-1/2-minute recovery as detailed below:

  • 1 Each 1-1/2-minute Interval @ 5K pace, followed by a 1-minute recovery
  • 1 Each 3-minute Interval @ 5K pace, followed by a 1-1/2-minute recovery
  • 1 Each 1-1/2-minute Interval @ 5K pace, followed by a 1-minute recovery
  • 1 Each 3-minute Interval @ 5K pace, followed by a 1-1/2-minute recovery
  • 1 Each 1-1/2-minute Interval @ 5K pace, followed by a 1-minute recovery
  • 1 Each 3-minute Interval @ 5K pace, followed by a 1-1/2-minute recovery
  • 1 Each 1-1/2-minute Interval @ 5K pace, followed by a 1-minute recovery
  • 1 Each 3-minute Interval @ 5K pace, followed by a 1-1/2-minute recovery
  • 1 Each 1-1/2-minute Interval @ 5K pace, followed by a 1-minute recovery

Schedule for Tamalpa Tuesday Track Workouts, San Rafael High School, 2020

  1. Week of March 2nd          Monday, 3/2/20

2. Week of March 9th          Thursday, 3/12/20

3. Week of March 16th        Wednesday, 3/18/20

4. Week of March 23rd        Wednesday, 3/25/20

5. Week of March 30th        Wednesday, 4/1/20

6. Week of April 6th             Wednesday, 4/8/20

7. Week of April 13th           Wednesday, 4/15/20

8. Week of April 20th           Wednesday, 4/22/20 – April Track Meet

9. Week of April 27th           Tuesday, 4/28/20

Franklin Ruona

(415) 760-8992

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